“Come together in common, and individually, breaking one and the same bread, which is the medicine of immortality.”
Ignatius of Antioch (2nd Cent.)
The music ministry at St. Bridget’s includes the choir and cantors. We welcome interest from all parishioners.
The choir season begins the first Wednesday after Labor Day and continues through mid-June. Rehearsals are Wednesday, 6:30-7:30 in the choir loft of the church. We sing most pieces of music in 4-parts, though you do not need to know how to read music. The choir sings at the 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass, Christmas Eve and during Holy Week. There is no audition requirement, simply join us at rehearsal!
We provide cantors to lead the church at the 5:30 p.m. Saturday Mass and 9:00 a.m. Sunday Mass. Cantors are responsible for independent rehearsals and preparation. Auditions are held upon request and interest.
For any information about the music ministry, please contact David Youngblood, Liturgical Coordinator at his email or on x105
Extraordinary Ministers
Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion are lay persons deputed by the diocesan bishop, to distribute Holy Communion at Eucharistic celebrations under defined conditions and to distribute Holy Communion outside of liturgical celebrations. They are commissioned by the bishop after being trained by the diocese for this role. The main qualifications for this function are personal holiness, love of the Eucharist, and desire to serve Our Lord by bringing Him to others.
All candidates are identified by the pastor and are required to participate in a one-day training session offered by the diocese. After they successfully attend this session, they are appointed by the bishop to serve for a period of 5 years and are commissioned at the parish during Mass
In addition to assisting the priest in distributing Holy Communion at Mass, Extraordinary ministers of Holy Communion bring the Sacrament to parishioners who are unable to attend Mass because of illness, infirmity, or old age.
The office of Lector (or liturgical reader) is one of the oldest recorded ministries in the Church. In the early days of the Church, the lector not only read the biblical texts (except the Gospel) at liturgical assemblies, but also, by virtue of his responsibility for the Word of God, he was called upon to literally safeguard the Sacred Books during the persecutions, keeping them from falling into the hands of the persecutors who would certainly destroy them. While reading ability was (and is) a necessary qualification, a candidate’s holiness was (and is) considered essential for installation as a lector.
The duties of a lector today are primarily to read the word of God (except the Gospel) at Mass and to recite the psalms between readings in the absence of a psalmist. In addition, the lector presents the general intercessions and reads the announcements before the congregation is dismissed.
Also referred to in some parishes as greeters or welcomers, ushers greet the worshipers as they enter the church and may assist them in finding a seat, especially at Masses where the size of the congregation nears or exceeds the seating capacity of the church.
To volunteer, see any usher at Mass, or click the button.
Altar Servers
Also called acolytes, altar servers assist the priest throughout the liturgy and especially during Holy Communion. Altar servers at St. Bridget Church must be in at least fourth grade, have made their First Penance and First Communion, and may be either girls or boys.
St. Bridget Church’s altar society is organized by our sacristan. This group is dedicated to the maintenance of the vestments, altar linens, and sacred vessels; they also occasionally help the parish in making or purchasing replacements.
Please contact Becky Jackson at (540) 955-1715 for information on joining the altar society.
Offertory Counters
Church Offertory Counters serve on a team and are responsible for counting the church offerings. This task is done weekly and each team of 3 serves on a rotation which requires your service approximately once per month.