Interested in becoming Catholic?
One of the great and terrifying joys of being human is the ability to consciously understand and explore reality. We were all born into this responsibility, and you have taken it seriously, which is why you are here asking the most essential questions: Is there a God? If so, what is God like? How can we know?
Below you will find some conversation partners as you work towards faith. The best conversation partner, however, is a live one and either Father Paul or Calvin Smith (Director of Faith Formation) would be happy to chat over a Coke or cup of coffee.
Resources for Exploration
The Catholic Faith. On Demand.
Formed is a rich media resource library, and a great place to explore topics you’re curious about. And it’s free to you through St. Bridget! Simply click the logo above, click ‘sign up’, select ‘Sign up as a Parishioner’ and follow the instructions. Contact Calvin Smith with any questions.
By Bishop Robert Barron
Bishop Barron has a knack for explaining Catholicism without using exclusively Catholic language. His popular YouTube page has a wide variety of talks and interviews and is a good place to find clear, concise answers. Click above to navigate there.
Resources from our Local Diocese
St. Bridget is a part of a larger grouping of churches called a diocese, which is overseen by a Bishop. The Diocese has collected a number of additional resources for exploring faith, understanding Catholic worship, and the steps to becoming Catholic. Click the logo above to explore.
OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults)
OCIA is the official process through which you can explore and (if you choose) join the Catholic Church, whether you are joining from another Christian denomination, or are new to faith altogether. OCIA classes typically begin in September and last until Easter, when those who have decided to join are welcomed into full communion. The program is flexible, however, and those wishing to begin mid-year should contact Calvin Smith to make arrangements.