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“Live and die with Him, this is the glorious work of a Christian; in a word, this is our profession. If we do not know it, we must learn it.”

Brother Lawerence

Trinity House Gatherings

In five family gatherings over the course of the school year we’ll eat together, learn how to cultivate thriving, peaceful homes, and build a community of support and friendship. Childcare is provided for lesson times. It’s “family night, date night, and Bible study all in one.”


This is a Women’s book study for ladies of all walks of life. Using the “Blessed is She” book Dwell we’ll study five different aspects of how Jesus changes our lives when we give Him space to love us through the Eucharist.

  • Sundays at 1:00pm
  • Hobert Hall classroom
  • Beginning October 20th
  • Leader: Katrina Gonzalez – [email protected]

Prayerful Yarn

Do you crochet, knit, or something in between? Join Prayerful Yarn as we make prayer shawls for the community. Our group meetings will be once a month with time for prayer and watching The Chosen. Everyone is welcome! Please email Alyssa Lutz for more details.

  • Monthly meetings on Tuesdays at 6:00pm
  • Hobert Hall classroom
  • Leader: Alyssa Lutz: email

I Say to You

The Sermon on the Mount is arguably the most influential three chapters in the history of the world. This class is a deep dive into the sermon that startled the first-century world, and continues to call us to a radically upside-down way of life.

  • Wednesdays at 7:00pm
  • Hobert Hall
  • Beginning September 25th
  • Leader: Calvin Smith – [email protected]

Screwtape Letters

This is C.S. Lewis’ classic imagined correspondence between a senior demon and a junior demon on how to best tempt humans. It is a witty and deeply insightful look at the ways that we open ourselves up to temptation and justify our sins. This study is being led by the parish staff but is open to all parishioners.

  • Thursdays 1:00pm in Hobert Hall
  • Beginning September
  • Hobert Hall
  • Leader: Calvin Smith – [email protected]

Men’s Group

All of us are called to speak boldly about our faith to our friends and neighbors. But how do we do it in a way that is not immediately off-putting. This fall we are using the book What to Say and How to Say It to discuss how we can winningly and actively share our faith.

  • Thursdays 7:00pm in Hobert Hall
  • Beginning September
  • Hobert Hall classroom
  • Leaders: Rob Perry – Email Rob.

We will be using the study guide Discovering Our Dignity.

The study starts in September 2024 and ends in May 2025.

In Discovering Our Dignity we will discuss how Women of the Old and New Testaments were as flawed and broken as we can be, yet the power of God worked in their lives. Discovering Our Dignity will allow you to learn from their experiences and uncover ways to deal with unwanted circumstances and deferred hopes.

Through their stories recorded in Scripture, women of the Bible reach out to touch our “present” in a tender, honest, and loving way-woman to woman-with ancient wisdom, sage advice, and insights from sorrowful failures and emotional wounds.

Learn how God worked in the lives of Biblical women:

  • Sisters Leah and Rachel overcame jealousy when they learned that God offered all that they really needed.
  • Abigail’s faith was so strong she didn’t despair, no matter how unpleasant life was with her husband.
  • Deborah had been given grace by God to act as His prophet, for the good of her people.

Come every week or when you can. It doesn’t matter if you know much or little about Scripture. This fall we are offering two options:

  • Thursday 10:15 – 11:45am OR Thursday 7:00-8:30pm in Hobert Hall
  • All women are welcome to join this Bible Study,
  • Leaders: Marcia Cochran – Click to email or Sarah Jawaid – Click to email.

For more information on ordering the book or questions please contact Marcia or Sarah.

Book Studies

We have a mix of newly forming and ongoing midday book study groups. These groups read a mix of classic and contemporary authors, leading to good discussion and new friendships. If you are interested in joining a book study, contact Calvin Smith for current offerings.

Contact: Calvin Smith – email